  Food Sensitivities
  Other Factors

It is amazing how much better we feel when we make even a couple of small changes in our lives. It can reduce our stress to a manageable level.

Welcome to Step Five!  The focus is: Other Factors

The purpose of Step Five is to see:

what makes you the unique person that you are in mind, body, and spirit
if there are additional concerns that need to be treated to help you be the best you can be as naturally as possible

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Procedure - Quick View

The purpose of this step is to make sure that you do not have major barriers to you being the best you can be as naturally as possible.

Remember that none of us comes with an Owner's Manual. We learn about ourselves as we develop. When we seek professional counselling or participate in personal growth work (e.g., like this Self-Managed Journey), we explore new areas and begin to understand ourselves even better. I think of it as having an opportunity to add another chapter to our Owner's Manual. If you are working with a professional, this type of information will probably help him or her to understand you a little better, too!

  1. In the area of mind, we will be screening for past traumas, depression, and anxiety.

  2. In the area of the body, we will be screening for spinal misalignment.

  3. In the area of spirit, we will be exploring whether or not you have a way to connect with a Higher Power.

  4. Lastly, there are a few questions about your areas of interest and career choices to help us understand more about how you are unique and what gifts you may have to offer to the world.

  5. Do the Self-Evaluation.

  6. Go to the Conclusion Page.

Procedure - Details

1. In the area of mind, we will be screening for past traumas, depression, and anxiety.

MIND: Past Traumas

Do you have any flashbacks to past traumas? Yes or No?

If NO, this may be because you have adjusted to the challenges you have faced in life. If you have been abused, it may also mean that your mind is not ready to let you remember these experiences. You may wish to seek the help of a professional trained in this area.

If YES, you are experiencing flashbacks or intrusive thoughts about events in the past, you may want to consider finding someone who can do the Finding Joy - Trauma Treatment Technique™ (FJ-TTT) or EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). They are both powerful, and very efficient techniques used to treat trauma. This is something that we can do to reduce the stress in our lives.

Life involves unpleasant experiences and most of the time, we are able to manage. But sometimes, we are exposed to traumatic events from which it is difficult to fully recover on our own. When you have flashbacks to the event, this is a sign that you may not have worked through some stressful events in your past.

Many people don't realize that it takes a lot of energy for our mind to try to suppress old traumatic memories. This is energy that we could be putting into learning to live more fully in the present moment. A "resolved" memory means that you still will remember what event took place, but you will not be upset when you think of it. If you have a lot of unresolved memories you could have something that is called "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" (PTSD). PTSD can cause symptoms of flashbacks and difficulties in the areas of attention, learning and depression. This needs to be diagnosed and treated by a trained professional.

I want you to know that help is available for this. If you are interested in finding out more about these very effective treatment techniques, I encourage you to look into it and choose something that feels right for you.

If you are a mental health professional who would like to receive training in either of these techniques, it is available. Check these out, and see what dates, locations and methodology feels right for you.

MIND: Assessing Depression and Anxiety

Are you feeling happy, calm, and centered most of the time? Yes or No?

If YES, you are feeling happy, calm, and centered, then whatever you are doing must be working. Good show! Proceed to the next section of this page.

If NO, please consider completing a Screening Checklist for Depression and a Screening Checklist for Anxiety. These checklists will not provide a diagnosis, but they will give an indication of how you are doing. Tracking your symptoms this way, will also allow you to evaluate any intervention strategies you might chose to do (such as removing allergic foods from your diet or introducing meditation).

Look at your checkmarks on the checklists you have completed.

About the Screening Checklist for Depression, do you have a checkmark in the Pretty Much to Very Much column in Question #10 - wanting to die or a total of 4 to 5 checkmarks in Questions #1 to 9? If so, please contact your family physician immediately, have him/her evaluate your symptoms and advise you on the best steps to take.

If you have 1 to 4 checkmarks in the Pretty Much and Very Much columns, it would appear that you are not as happy as you could be. There are many reasons for feeling this way.

If you are not as happy as you would like to be, but are not in danger of harming yourself, you may wish to explore avenues for overcoming your depression on your own. Feeling sad every now and then is not uncommon, but if it is chronic or long lasting, it certainly is not a pleasant way to live. It can also be dangerous if left untreated.

It might be helpful to read my book on Overcoming Depression. This book contains a chart that outlines a number of common causes, symptoms and treatment strategies for depression. Which reason do you think is the most likely cause of your depressed feelings? See if you can find a way to get the treatment you need.

About the Screening Checklist for Anxiety, if you have 1 to 4 checkmarks in the Pretty Much or Very Much columns, it would appear you are not as calm and centered as you could be. There are many reasons for feeling this way. Perhaps doing the Self-Managed Journey will help you in this area. If it doesn't help, you may want to consider some form of medication, a nutraceutical supplement, massage, or other intervention to alleviate these symptoms.


2. In the area of the body, we will be screening for spinal misalignment.

BODY: Spinal Misalignment

It is important to make sure that your spine is in alignment, so we can ensure that your "head is on straight" and your brain is getting the nourishment it needs. Have a helper stand a few feet away while you are following the instructions below. This person will be helping you assess your posture.

(Note: If you feel dizzy and unstable at any time during this exercise, stop immediately, open your eyes and contact a N.U.C.C.A. practitioner in your area as soon as possible for a professional assessment.)

Instructions for Screening for Spinal Misalignment:

  1. Choose a location where you have access to a mirror on a wall.
  2. Stick a piece of masking tape on the floor, parallel to the mirror, about 2 feet from the wall.
  3. Stand behind the tape, facing the mirror, with your big toes on the tape and your feet placed in a balanced way (turned in or out the same amount).
  4. Look at yourself in the mirror and balance your posture.
  5. Close your eyes and slowly rotate your head all the way to the right and then to the left. Keeping your eyes closed, balance yourself so you feel as though you are looking straight ahead. Your entire body should feel balanced and equal.
  6. When you are feeling stable and balanced, carefully (without moving anything but your eyelids) open your eyes and assess your posture.
Are you looking off to one side? Yes or No?
Is one shoulder higher? Yes or No?
Is there a twist between your shoulders and your hips? Yes or No?
Do you see obvious postural imbalance? Yes or No?

If YES has been answered to any of the questions above, it is highly likely that your spine is misaligned.

If NO (everything appears square and balanced), there is a good likelihood you are in alignment. Go to the next area to be explored.

There are many different ways to ensure "spinal integrity". In our family, we have had success with the N.U.C.C.A. (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) procedure. If you want to see if there is a N.U.C.C.A. Practitioner near you go to their web site. (There are differences between practitioners and not everyone on this web site practices this technique purely). My son, Dr. Jeffrey Scholten is a N.U.C.C.A. Practitioner who would be happy to guide you in the process of finding a suitable professional in your area. His web site explains the N.U.C.C.A. procedure and provides answers to many common questions in the area of spinal care.


3. In the area of Spirit, we will be exploring whether or not you have a way to connect with a Higher Power.

SPIRIT: Your Spirituality

Is there a spiritual tradition that you follow? Do you believe in a Higher Power? Were you brought up within a particular faith tradition? If so, are you actively practicing right now? Do you have ways to connect with your Higher Power? Yes or No?

Whether or not you have a way to connect with your Higher Power, you may benefit from some assistance from a trained spiritual mentor. Ideally, this is a person who has a listening heart, a gentle and patient spirit, the gift of discernment, a good working knowledge of the Scriptures of your spiritual tradition, and a basic understanding of psychology and counselling. S/he practices times of solitude and silence in prayer, receives regular spiritual mentoring from another, and is open to the Spirit of God. For more information about the kinds of programs that are available in fostering spirituality or for assistance in finding a spiritual mentor in your area, see  Spiritual Directors International.

If YES, you do have a way to connect with a Higher Power that is wonderful, I encourage you to do so on a regular basis. It is time to go to the next Question #4.

If NO, you do not have a way to connect with a power beyond yourself, please consider finding a way to do so that works for you.

Some forms of meditation or centering prayer allow us to be still enough to begin to connect with a power and source of wisdom greater than ourselves. It helps us to keep life in perspective, fosters self-acceptance and forgiveness of self and others. I believe that these are essential ingredients if we want to feel a sense of peace and joy in our lives.

Another technique that people from many different spiritual traditions find helpful is that of meditation. There are many different ways to meditate. The Light and Love Meditation can be adapted to your own spiritual tradition. Another powerful form of meditation is called Vipassanna or Mindfulness meditation. In order to learn more about this, see Vipassana Meditation.

Learning how to meditate can help us to quiet our minds. This allows us to be fully present in the NOW - the present moment, ideally in a state of thoughtless awareness. We are then better able to tune into how we feel and learn to observe, accept and release whatever emotions we are experiencing. Meditation also provides us with a sense of detachment or a wider perspective on the daily challenges we are facing. When practicing mindfulness, we are in a state where we are better able to ask for and receive the guidance that is available to each of us every moment. Some call it the Holy Spirit others. To others it is innate, intuitive wisdom. In my experience, it's there, free for the asking - but we have to be still and open enough to sense it!

As Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Full Catastrophe Living, says, "there is far more right with us than wrong with us". Mindfulness gives us a way to reconnect with that basic rightness, even at times when "what's wrong" seems to loom very large. It gives us a wider view, like seeing the expanse of the sky around the clouds.

Spirituality is an important part of who we are. I encourage you to find ways to explore and nourish this part of yourself.


4. Lastly, there are a few questions about your areas of interest and career choices to help us understand more about how you are unique and what gifts you may have to offer to the world.


What kinds of activities do you find most interesting to do?
What kinds of activities do you find least interesting to do?

If you notice that there is a big difference between how you function when you are interested in something and when you are not… you may wish to revisit Step One - Attention and complete the Screening Checklist for Attentional Concerns to make sure that this is not an area that needs further exploration.

Remember that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. I believe that the more you can involve yourself in activities that are interesting to you and that use your unique talents, the happier you are likely to be.

Your Career

What are your educational or career plans? Are you doing what you want to be doing in life? If so, wonderful. If not, why not? If you wonder what kind of career you are best suited for, see Do What You The authors of the book Do What You Are use personality preferences as a major guideline for career choice. When we are doing what we love or what we are wired to do…we increase the likelihood of being happy and fulfilled.

If you have Learning Discrepancies (LD), you need to take them as well as personality factors into consideration when choosing a career. Most career tests do not take LD's into account. You know what you do well and where you have challenges. I urge you to spend your time doing what you do well, while finding ways to by-pass or accommodate tasks that are more challenging.


5. Do the Self-Evaluation.

Our Goal in Step Five - Other Factors was to see:

what makes you the unique person that you are in mind, body, and spirit
if there are additional concerns that need to be treated to help you be the best you can be as naturally as possible

Did you go through each of the areas mentioned, follow the instructions and think about the questions? Yes or No?

If YES, good work. You have participated fully.

Did you find areas that needed to be addressed? Were you able to identify people who could help you? Yes or No?

If YES, good luck.

If NO, call me and I'll see if I can help you in these areas. (Let's Chat!)

If NO, I encourage you to go through the areas mentioned in this step - just to be sure that there are no major barriers to you being the best you can be as naturally as possible.

If you feel that this is too much for you to do on your own, even with your own helper, you may benefit from further exploration with assistance from:


6. Go to the Conclusion.

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FAQ - Questions

Q1: Why are we looking at this area of Other Factors?
Q2: What can I do if I have problems in these areas?
Q3: How can I tell if these strategies are enough to help me achieve my potential?
Q4: Don't you think that there could be other factors affecting my functioning?
Q5: What if I need additional help?

FAQ - Answers

Q1: Why are we looking at this area of Other Factors?

A: The purpose of this page is to help to understand you better as the unique person you are. We are also trying to identify any other common barriers to wellness - in mind, body and spirit.

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Q2: What can I do if I have problems in these areas?

A: If you have reported difficulties in any of the areas mentioned above, I encourage you to explore these concerns with a practitioner who specializes in the area of concern.

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Q3: How can I tell if these strategies are enough to help me achieve my potential?

A: I encourage you to try out the strategies that have been suggested for 3-6 weeks and see what kind of difference it makes. Keep a journal so that you will remember. You may find that you have improved significantly. This process may have been all that you needed for now. If not, you may be able to find more help on your journey. Consult with a helping professional in your area or Contact us (Let's Chat!)

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Q4: Don't you think that there could be other factors affecting my functioning?

A: There are multiple factors that influence who you are. It is beyond the scope of the Self-Managed Journey to identify and address all of these. The purpose of this web site is to take you through the process I use with my clients and to rule out some common barriers to your well being in mind, body and spirit.

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Q5: What if I need additional help?

A: The Empowerment Plus� method covers a lot of areas that relate to your wellness in terms of mind, body and spirit. Other approaches can be beneficial as well. If you feel that you have needs in other areas of health, speak to your family physician, ask others, and/or pray for direction. In the area of alternative health, ask others for the names of respected and qualified healers such as naturopaths or homeopaths. Contact their staff for consultation on your health concerns or to obtain the name of a qualified health care professional in your area.

Remember that once you finish all five steps in the Self-Managed Journey, you will have a good idea of how to help yourself in several major areas of life. This could make a big difference in how well you function. Why not give it a try and see?

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You have now finished all five steps in your Self-Managed Journey. It's time to proceed to The Conclusion Page.

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